Inside Doric – 6 Questions for Julia Kellner

1. What do you do in your day-to-day work and what do you like best about it?
My day-to-day work is characterised by lots of numbers. It is very varied in terms of content and covers various topics from accounting to controlling and tax. My tasks range from coordinating ongoing accounting to preparing performance analyses and distribution forecasts for our open-ended property funds to optimising interfaces and controlling and monitoring internal processes. For someone like me who has a generalist mindset, it's the diversity of topics and the resulting variety that makes my everyday life incredibly exciting and interesting.
2. What has been your most important project so far and what project are you working on at present?
Over the last eight years at Quadoro, I have successfully implemented many development projects in collaboration with our in-house programmer Dietmar Ziegler and have been able to automate our reports and analyses via the Doric database. My personal highlight is the development of the portfolio pricing tool which enables us to generate analyses for many different queries relating to the performance of our AIFs.
3. Why did you choose the finance division?
When I first heard about the idea of merging the two areas of Accounting and Controlling into a single Finance division under my management, I was immediately convinced. I believe in increasing efficiency by reducing interfaces as this can lead to a smoother flow of processes: everything can be done "from a single source". An existing, well-functioning team that already had a lot of potential made my decision even easier.
4. What challenges do you face in your day-to-day work?
I have always worked in the real estate industry so I am very familiar with the trends and challenges in this sector. At the moment, the market situation is demanding a lot from the property sector. The rise in interest rates and additional uncertainties for real estate investors have led to a noticeable slump in transactions. The many considerations with regard to the future, combined with calculations and analyses, are part of my day-to-day work life. Even though figures always have to be accurate, I like to take a second look at our analyses at the moment in particular as we have a great responsibility towards our investors.
5. How do you see your future at the Doric Group and for the finance sector in general?
The Finance division is very important for the Doric Group and I am very grateful for the trust and the opportunity I have been given to manage this division, to expand it and to drive it forward. I value the opportunities for further growth in our company and look forward to continuing on the same path in the future.
6. What are you passionate about in your free time?
I enjoy spending time with my friends, travelling, going on excursions and city trips and attending concerts and events.
As a member of the Eintracht Frankfurt soccer club, I actively play table football and am therefore also out and about here and there in this context – from an association league game in the neighbourhood to a smaller tournament around the corner in Langen to a larger company tournament in Hamburg with colleagues.